SATREPS: Smart Cities Development for Emerging Countries by Multimodal Transport System Based on Sensing, Network and Big Data Analysis of Regional Transportation
SATREPS: Smart Cities Development for Emerging Countries by Multimodal Transport System Based on Sensing, Network and Big Data Analysis of Regional Transportation
Evaluation of Accessibility by Public Transportation Systems and Understanding of Impacts on Development of Rail Transit in Southeast Asian Cities

This study evaluated the accessibility of public transportation systems and the impact on the improvement of rail transit in selected Southeast Asian cities. Results clearly showed that the present public transportation network development varies greatly among the cities studied. The urban railway development significantly improved accessibility as a whole, but there are underserved areas indicating poor accessibility. Hence, it is essential to consider these results when setting up urban rail transit routes in the future. This research is carried out with the cooperation of Kasetsart University, Thailand, De la Salle University, Philipines and, Vietnamese German University, Vietnam.