SATREPS: Smart Cities Development for Emerging Countries by Multimodal Transport System Based on Sensing, Network and Big Data Analysis of Regional Transportation
SATREPS: Smart Cities Development for Emerging Countries by Multimodal Transport System Based on Sensing, Network and Big Data Analysis of Regional Transportation
-Undergoing Projects-
EASTS-IRG40: PPP Railway Projects and TOD in Asian Countries

In Bangkok, serious traffic congestion has occurred dsince the 1970s. To solve this problem,Bangkok's first subway "Blue Line" was opened in 2004. However, it turned into a deficit immediately after the opening due to excessive demand forecast and inadequate operation system. While the initial investment in the urban railway project is large, it takes time to form the network around the railroad track
Our project studies is considering its price elasticity of demand, finanicial analysis of the scheme, ccross-elasticity.