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SATREPS: Smart Cities Development for Emerging Countries by Multimodal Transport System Based on Sensing, Network and Big Data Analysis of Regional Transportation
SATREPS: Smart Cities Development for Emerging Countries by Multimodal Transport System Based on Sensing, Network and Big Data Analysis of Regional Transportation

Tuenjai FUKUDA, Dr. Eng.
Senior Research Fellow, Secretary Genral of ATRANS

Sheik MOHAMAD, Ms Eng.
Research Fellow

Tsutomu Tsuboi, Dr. Inf. Sci.
Visiting Research Fellow, Project Leader of SATREPS M2Smart Project

Sideney, Antunes Schreiner Junior, Dr. Eng.
Visiting Research Fellow

Rizky Wahyulinata
Research Topic: Activity-Based Modeling, Demand and Supply Gap, Demand Forecasting
Interests: Hiking, Cycling, Cooking Mama
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