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   In Ahmedabad, India, the provision of seamless transportation from the opened urban railway (metro) has been emphasized, but each means of transportation such as BRTS, metro, and auto rickshaw is used as an individual navigation system. In other words, traffic information that promotes seamless movement by connecting multiple means of transportation is not provided. So an application Multi Modal Application that integrates information on multiple modes of transportation has been developed. Therefore, in this study, we perform a basic analysis of traffic behavior when using MMA, and grasp the difference between the provided navigation information and the means of transportation and travel time actually used. The MMA used in this study is M2SmartNavi. In addition to information on nine modes of transportation, road conditions, bus stop locations, BRTS timetables and BRTS real-time location information are integrated. As a result, the user is guided to the optimum means to the destination based on real-time traffic information as shown in the image (left), and the transportation means can be selected. After that, when the guidance is started, the position information is acquired by GPS as shown in the image (right), and the behavior of the probe is recorded.

Big Data Analysis of Regional Transportation

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