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Research and Publications


We are proud to showcase the results of research undertaken by members of our interdisciplinary Research Lab. Our work and findings have been published in a number of prestigious publications in our field.

1. Study on Impact Evaluation of Introducing Policies to Realize Urban Consolidation by Using MARS: Case Study of Niigata, Japan, Authors: Hiroki KIKUCHI, Sathita MAKAITHAM, Atsushi FUKUDA, Guenter EMBERGER, Paul PFAFFENBICHER, Tetsuhiro ISHIZAKA, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society(33巻), pp. 1857-1867, 2015.
2. ​コーストダウン試験により推計したVSPと燃料消費量の関係性に関する分析, 福室恵子, 石坂哲宏, 福田 敦,(一社)交通工学研究会 第35回交通工学研究発表会論文集, pp.397-400, 2015.
3. Study on Fuel Consumption Estimation Considering the Impacts of Hybrid Vehicle Promotion Based on Time Sharing of Driving Regimes from Probe Data in Bangkok
Napon SRISAKDA, Atsushi FUKUDA, Tetsuhiro ISHIZAKA, Sathita MALAITHAM, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.11, pp.939-953, 2015.

4. アジア開発途上国大都市における低炭素交通の診断とQOLを用いた治療の手法, 中村一樹, 林 良嗣, 中村文彦, 福田 敦, 中道久美子, (公社)土木学会 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学), 第71巻, 5号,  pp.337-346, 2015.
5. Analysis on Speed Reduction at Curve Section on Two-Lane General Road by Sight Distance Estimated by Mobile Mapping System, Tetsuhiro ISHIZAKA, Atsushi Fukuda, Tatsunori Sada, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.11, pp.1857-1867, 2015.
6. ​都市再配置モデル(MARS)の新潟都市圏への導入,  菊池浩紀, Sathita MALAITHAM, 福田 敦, Guenter EMBERGER, 石坂哲宏,  システム・ダイナミックス学会日本支部 システムダイナミックス, 第13・14巻,  pp.37-48.

7. Measuring Pedestrian Environment in Term of Connectivity Under Catchment Area of TOD in Developing Country: Case of Bangkok, Thailand, Sathita MALAITHAM, Atsushi FUKUDA, Varameth VICHIENSAN, Vasinee WASUNTARASOOK, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2016 Paper #16-4789.

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